interchange key - translation to ρωσικά
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interchange key - translation to ρωσικά

Great american interchange; American interchange; Great American Biotic Interchange; Great American Faunal Interchange; Great American interchange
  • Aw]]), cover much of South America and nearly all of Central America, but very little of the rest of North America.
  • †''[[Arctotherium]] bonariense'', a South American short-faced bear
  • †''[[Astrapotherium magnum]]''
  • [[Capybara]], ''Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris''
  • [[Red-footed tortoise]], ''Chelonoidis carbonaria''
  • [[Paleo-Americans]] and †''[[Glyptodon]]''
  • Examples of migrant species in both Americas. Olive green silhouettes denote North American species with South American ancestors; blue silhouettes denote South American species with North American ancestors.
  • †]]''[[Macrauchenia]]''
  • ''Megalonyx wheatleyi'']]
  • The [[monito del monte]], ''Dromiciops gliroides'', South America's only [[australidelphia]]n marsupial
  • The [[giant anteater]], ''Myrmecophaga tridactyla'', the largest living descendant of South America's early Cenozoic mammalian fauna
  • Nearctic]] (red) species could wander via two-way migrations during the latter part of the [[Cenozoic]] prior to the interchange: The smaller area available for Neotropic species to evolve in tended to put them at a competitive disadvantage.
  • The [[Virginia opossum]], ''Didelphis virginiana'', the only marsupial in temperate North America
  • The [[North American porcupine]], ''Erethizon dorsatum'', the largest surviving Neotropic migrant to temperate North America
  • terror bird]]
  • [[Emperor tamarin]], ''Saguinus imperator''
  • [[Baird's tapir]], ''Tapirus bairdii'', the largest surviving Nearctic migrant to South America
  • sparassodont]]

interchange key      
ключ для обмена между пользователями, ключ взаимного обмена ключ для обмена между пользователями, ключ взаимного обмена
cloverleaf ramp         
  • W}}
  • E}}
  • W}}
  • Cloverstack Interchange
  • W}}
  • W}}
  • W}}
  • W}}
  • e}}
  • Semi-directional T interchange
  • E}}
  • E}}
  • E}}
  • W}}
  • E}}
  • E}}
Freeway interchange; Highway interchange; Slip road; Parclo A4; Interchange (highway); Autobahnkreuz; Autobahndreieck; Highway ramp; Exit ramp; Entrance ramp; Freeway junction; Motorway junction; Road interchange; Trumpet interchange; Combination interchange; Trumpet (interchange); Double trumpet; Sliproad; Highway exit; Onramp; On-ramp; On ramp; Off ramp; Freeway exit; Freeway entrance; Highway entrance; Semi-directional T; Left exit; Off-ramp; Directional Y interchange; Directional-T interchange; Semi-directional-T interchange; Directional "Y" interchange; Trumpet interchanges; Interchange (roads); Named Interchange; Directional T interchange; Semi-directional T interchange; Loop ramp; Windmill interchange; Traffic Interchange; Motorway interchange; Three-way interchange; Turbine interchange; Full Y interchange; Ontario On Ramp; 401 On Ramp; 400 On Ramp; Ontario On-Ramp; Ontario Interchange; Ontario Cloverleaf Interchange; Ontario Cloverleaf; Ontario Off Ramp; Ontario Off-Ramp; 400 On-Ramp; 400 Interchange; 400 Cloverleaf Interchange; 400 Cloverleaf; 400 Off Ramp; 400 Off-Ramp; Partial Y interchange; Offramp; Interchange road; Half-cloverleaf interchange; System interchange; Service interchange; Incomplete interchange; 🆋; Directional T Interchange; Cloverstack; Cloverstack interchange; Half-clover interchange; Limited access ramp; T interchange; Y interchange; Cloverleaf ramp; Directional ramp; Semidirectional T interchange; Semi-directional Y interchange

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пандус типа "клеверный лист"

slip road         
  • W}}
  • E}}
  • W}}
  • Cloverstack Interchange
  • W}}
  • W}}
  • W}}
  • W}}
  • e}}
  • Semi-directional T interchange
  • E}}
  • E}}
  • E}}
  • W}}
  • E}}
  • E}}
Freeway interchange; Highway interchange; Slip road; Parclo A4; Interchange (highway); Autobahnkreuz; Autobahndreieck; Highway ramp; Exit ramp; Entrance ramp; Freeway junction; Motorway junction; Road interchange; Trumpet interchange; Combination interchange; Trumpet (interchange); Double trumpet; Sliproad; Highway exit; Onramp; On-ramp; On ramp; Off ramp; Freeway exit; Freeway entrance; Highway entrance; Semi-directional T; Left exit; Off-ramp; Directional Y interchange; Directional-T interchange; Semi-directional-T interchange; Directional "Y" interchange; Trumpet interchanges; Interchange (roads); Named Interchange; Directional T interchange; Semi-directional T interchange; Loop ramp; Windmill interchange; Traffic Interchange; Motorway interchange; Three-way interchange; Turbine interchange; Full Y interchange; Ontario On Ramp; 401 On Ramp; 400 On Ramp; Ontario On-Ramp; Ontario Interchange; Ontario Cloverleaf Interchange; Ontario Cloverleaf; Ontario Off Ramp; Ontario Off-Ramp; 400 On-Ramp; 400 Interchange; 400 Cloverleaf Interchange; 400 Cloverleaf; 400 Off Ramp; 400 Off-Ramp; Partial Y interchange; Offramp; Interchange road; Half-cloverleaf interchange; System interchange; Service interchange; Incomplete interchange; 🆋; Directional T Interchange; Cloverstack; Cloverstack interchange; Half-clover interchange; Limited access ramp; T interchange; Y interchange; Cloverleaf ramp; Directional ramp; Semidirectional T interchange; Semi-directional Y interchange
съезд (на ромбовидном пересечении дорог в разных уровнях)


(Key West)

город на Юго-Востоке США, в штате Флорида, на о. Ки-Уэст, соединённый автодорогой (проложенной через цепь коралловых островов по мостам и дамбам) с полуостровом Флорида. 27,6 тыс. жителей (1970). Рыболовство. Зимний морской курорт.


Great American Interchange

The Great American Biotic Interchange (commonly abbreviated as GABI), also known as the Great American Interchange and the Great American Faunal Interchange, was an important late Cenozoic paleozoogeographic biotic interchange event in which land and freshwater fauna migrated from North America via Central America to South America and vice versa, as the volcanic Isthmus of Panama rose up from the sea floor and bridged the formerly separated continents. Although earlier dispersals had occurred, probably over water, the migration accelerated dramatically about 2.7 million years (Ma) ago during the Piacenzian age. It resulted in the joining of the Neotropic (roughly South American) and Nearctic (roughly North American) biogeographic realms definitively to form the Americas. The interchange is visible from observation of both biostratigraphy and nature (neontology). Its most dramatic effect is on the zoogeography of mammals, but it also gave an opportunity for reptiles, amphibians, arthropods, weak-flying or flightless birds, and even freshwater fish to migrate. Coastal and marine biota, however, was affected in the opposite manner; the formation of the Central American Isthmus caused what has been termed the Great American Schism, with significant diversification and extinction occurring as a result of the isolation of the Caribbean from the Pacific.

The occurrence of the interchange was first discussed in 1876 by the "father of biogeography", Alfred Russel Wallace. Wallace had spent five years exploring and collecting specimens in the Amazon basin. Others who made significant contributions to understanding the event in the century that followed include Florentino Ameghino, W. D. Matthew, W. B. Scott, Bryan Patterson, George Gaylord Simpson and S. David Webb. The Pliocene timing of the formation of the connection between North and South America was discussed in 1910 by Henry Fairfield Osborn.

Analogous interchanges occurred earlier in the Cenozoic, when the formerly isolated land masses of India and Africa made contact with Eurasia about 56 and 30 Ma ago, respectively.

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